Great Research (exclusive to 3di) operates a research panel across Australia, New Zealand and the UK with over 350,000 active members in 2010 (AU=170,000, NZ=126,000 & UK =54,000). The panel is used by market researchers to carryout comprehensive research projects.
Online Sample
Great Research sends out emails to a target group of its members (profile) and invites them to participate in the research project normally an online survey run by the market researcher. A wide range of projects can be accommodated and the exact structure of each research project is devised in consultation with the Great Research Manager. Prize draws are used as an incentive.
Pricing is normally on a CPM (cost per invitation) or Cost per interview (CPI) basis.
These are on-going research projects run at regular sample intervals to help the market research monitor metrics relating to their client over time. Metrics can include things like brand awareness and purchase preference. Monthly monitors are typical with a small sample group of members across defined demographics responding to each sample. Normally the number and constitution of each sample is specified by the researcher. Prize draws are used as an incentive.
Pricing normally on a cost per sample and cost per interview basis with a 12 month contract.
Top Ups
Many clients have access to their own online panel however often they find it is not possible to obtain enough responses from all the demographic groups required by the study. Great Research is then called in to help complete the research project by filling in the gaps. We send research invitations to the missing demographics. A fast turnaround is available to meet the most urgent requests. Prize draws are used as an incentive.
Pricing is normally on a CPM (cost per invitation) basis.
Hosted Interviews (Surveys)
For researchers and direct clients who are interested in a complete outsourced survey, Great Research offers a hosted survey solution where an online survey is created based on questions supplied by the client and invitations sent out to a group of members. The survey results are supplied in an excel spreadsheet along with the demographic profile of each respondent. Prize draws are used as an incentive.
Pricing is normally on a cost per interview basis, question writing available on request.
“The 10 Second Survey”
Every week Great Research sends its members a topical or point of interest poll or survey. The intention is to engage with members in a light hearted but interesting way and to generate stats that can be used to generate catchy public opinion headlines and article. The results are published on the Great Research site but publishing rights are also given to sponsors who use the catchy headlines and articles as “link bait” on their own sites to support their SEO link building strategy. Link baiting is normal managed by First Rate, the search marketing agency in the Q Ltd group. (Q Ltd also owns Great Research). Prize draws are used as an incentive.
Pricing is per “10 second survey” runs for 1 week, includes email invites.
Panel Building
Via its partner www.TPN.com.au, Great Research offers panel and fieldwork providers the ability to build and recruit for panels. TPN offers a comprehensive performance based Lead Generation service that uses multiple channels to drive panel joins. Incentives are usually handled by the client.
Pricing is normally per panel recruit (CPA).
Focus Group Invites
Researchers that are interested in speaking to a select group of people can use Great Research to recruit for their focus groups. Our panel have agreed to be contacted by email, phone and SMS meaning we can invite and remind them of upcoming focus groups they have signed up for. We can target on postal code.
Pricing is normally on a cost per invitation (CPM) or Cost per interview (CPI) basis.
Free Sample Giveaways (IHUT or in-home usage tests)
Fast moving consumer goods or researchers that are interested in feedback from consumers on consumables send their product to our members, and ask them questions after they have used the product. Great Research is in a great position to handle these products because we know what kind of products people use (lifestyle data) and have validated addresses on our members.
Pricing is normally on a cost per invitation (CPM) or Cost per interview (CPI) basis.
Watch and Answer (show TVC and ask questions)
Companies and researchers interested in measuring the effectiveness of their television commercials (TVC) use Great Research to show a TVC to our members and then ask questions about the commercial.
Pricing is based on per completed view basis.
Telephone Surveys (data)
Great Research also collects phone and mobile numbers from its panel members and can provide this data to researchers wishing to carryout phone interviews. Targeted phone number lists are generated using Great Research’s detailed member demographic, interest and intent profile data providing the best possible response rates for the phone interviewer.
Pricing is on a Cost per record basis.
Australia: 1300 806 986 or Email
New Zealand : 09 920 1755 or Email