We’ve got NZ covered

NZ Digital Media

Need NZ media for your next campaign? 3di’s NZ network of sites and lists is the most effective way for you to deliver a successful NZ campaign.

#1 Email List
Great Sites has 200,000 opt-in members making it NZ’s largest email list that accepts solus email campaigns. Source: based on publisher publisher stats.

#1 Performance Network
TPN covers more that 100 premium .co.nz sites including 26 of the top 100  sites in NZ that accept advertising making it NZ’s largest local CPC display network. The network covers 930,000 unique NZ IP browsers per month resulting in a 27% NZ reach. Source: Google Analytics & Adplanner.

#1 Targeted Display Sites
3di represents many of NZ’s leading niche websites from fashion to farming.

*exclusive sites. #1 status based on Google Adplanner UB’s.

To book your NZ campaign contact 3di

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