Great Sites Member Demographics 2012

Great Sites recently published its latest member demographics (below) for its Australian and New Zealand members. The analysis is based on their most active members over the last 12 months.

Great Sites offers advertisers Solus email campaigns which can be targeted to audiences using member demographics derived from  over 50 survey questions that members have answered. Telemarketers and Direct Marketers can access phone and postal data to support their campaigns using the same targeting capabilities.

Solus email is a third-party advertisement that is sent to an opt-in subscription email list comprised of demographics of target consumers. For example, the owner of an opt-in list related to Internet Security would allow an anti-virus software company to send a direct advertising email about their Internet Security product to members of the opt-in list. The e-mail advertisement will generally not show any information about the Web site or company who owns the email list, but will appear to come directly to you from the third party brand.

The analysis from Great Sites highlights that it’s most active members consist of a third of longer term members (over 3 years), one third medium term members (1-3 years) and one third new members. Great Sites runs an extensive member acquisition program to ensure the membership is always fresh and growing, see the  channels we use to recruit members by below.

Australian Members of Great Sites

Great Sites Members - New Zealand

New Zealand Great Site Members

Great Site Members - Australia

How Great Site Members Recruited

Contact 3Di sales to find out more about Great Sites Email, Phone and Postal Campaigns and Data.

Australia: 1300 806 986 or Email
New Zealand :  09 920 1755 or Email

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