VidMail The next generation video marketing tool

Below is an example of one of our recent Vidmail campaigns for Movie Extra

Click here to view video

Click here to view video

Don Draper, the biggest ad man and ladies man in the business. As Don makes the plays in the boardroom and the bedroom, he struggles to stay a step ahead of the rapidly changing times and the young executives nipping at his heels.

Don’t miss this provocative drama series revealing the lives of the ruthlessly competitive men and women of Madison Avenue advertising in the 1960s.

Winner of 2 Golden Globe® Awards and Nominated for 16 EMMY® Awards. Commences 9.30pm sundays from September 14. Encores Wednesday 8.30pm
Original and exclusive to Movie Extra Available on: Optus, Austar, SelectTv and Foxtel

Video Email 101’s

What is VidMail?

Vidmail marketing is a commonly used name for the streaming of dynamic content in the body of an email, to communicate a consistent, interactive message to a target market. Vidmail eliminates the need for large attachments when dealing with rich media and can be streamed direct to the user.

What are the benefits?

  • Simple: Vidmail is a simple way of communicating action packed or detailed information to your audience, by streaming direct it also eliminates the need for heavy and annoying downloads.
  • Engaging: Hold your consumer’s attention for longer, a recent Horowitz Associates report (Broadband Content and Service) indicates there is a strong trend that viewers are willing to watch longer video content, as long as it’s interesting. Stop thinking in terms of TV ad spots for your advertising. Entertain and inform viewers about your products or services and get them involved with interactive content alongside your video.
  • Dynamic: Why send a boring, standard email when you can send rich media full of interactivity? With dynamic content you have the opportunity to provide a dialogue with users. The ability to increase the depth of your message adds another dimension to your content.
  • Brand exposure: Expand your brand experience from that of just copy and images, let your user truly experience your brand proposition through video along with features such as sound, animation and effects.

What does it mean for the Marketing Mix?

Coupled with the ability to drive direct response and gather deep insight into performance, video is taking a powerful new role in the marketing mix. “
“Case in point: We’ve been working with dozens of local publishers who have incorporated video into their standard 300×250 display ad packages.” In our case, here at Global Video Tech, our standard is a 640 X 480 large format video with extremely high quality, no downloading and never pauses to “buffer”. Let your prospects REALLY see what you have to offer.
“Advertisers are seeing measurable performance results that exceed what they expected if they were running regular display ads. Beyond click-through rates and possibly conversion data, advertisers are seeing a new set of metrics emerge: Video ads offer brand exposure (we’ve seen video ads run that are longer than two minutes) Note: Our sample streaming video email is 22 minutes long and plays immediately – no downloading required; video ad interaction (repeat plays, sharing, expanding the player); measurable engagement (play through, exit point); and conversion (lead generation, clicks). “
“Advertisers take this data and turn it into insights on how effective their creative is: How many leads am I getting and when in the video do they occur? How much are viewers watching? When in the video do they abandon watching my video ad?” Global Video Tech has provided these capabilities, and many others, to our customers since day one.

Video in email represents new revenue opportunities and click-through optimization for email marketers, coupled with the ability to drive direct response and gather deep insight into performance, video is taking a powerful new role in the marketing mix.

How does it perform?

Advertisers are seeing measurable performance results that exceed what they expected if they were running regular display ads. Beyond click-through rates and possibly conversion data, advertisers are seeing a new set of metrics emerge: Video ads offer brand exposure ; measurable engagement (play through, exit point); and conversion (lead generation, clicks).

Fact: Video in Email can increase click through rates by as much as 2 – 3X
Assessing Video Email Opportunities, Forrester Research).

For more information on Vidmail and it’s capabilities, get in touch with the team.

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